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The Majorr Tee Morning Show is made up of tons of different segments, provided only for your entertainment and enjoyment. Here is a list of some of the different segments that make up the MTMS.


The Majorr Inspirational Message- This segment is where I take a few moments to address my listeners about life and its many challenges. This message is given to inspire and induce feelings of hope and courage to others. Being well aware of life and its constant ups and downs, this segment is meant to boost low morales and provide inspiration to those who need it most.


Release Therapy ft. Leonard Bryant-  Remember how Thursdays are Drama Free on the MTMS? Well, Therapy is the best way to release stress. In this segment of the MTMS, Majorr Tee in the Morning speaks to a licensed councelor & therapist regarding different mental illnesses and treatments. Questions, Comments, Concerns regarding your Mental Health status? Get them answered by Mr. Bryant, only on Drama Free Thursdays on the MTMS!


Primetime Live!-DO NOT DISTURB! That's the name of the sign that's on your door when Primetime Television is on. Did you miss an episode? Forgot to record it on your DVR? Never Fear, Find out here, what happened in Central, Starling, and Gotham City on the newest episodes of the Flash, Arrow, and Gotham. Get your update on the Ladies of Primetime Television. Yes, We're talking about you Ms. Olivia Pope, Ms. Cookie Lyon, and you too Mrs. Annalise Keating!


The League Hall- The 21st Century is a Brave New World. It's filled with heroes both fictional and non-fictional, both in and out of costumes. In this segment, the spotlight is put on the worlds of DC and Marvel Entertainment and their various costumed superheroes. Grew up on Comic Books? Enjoy Superhero Cartoons? This is YOUR segment! Listen to Majorr give a weekly update on the worlds of of your favorite heroes.


Battle of the Sexes: The Majorr Debaters- In this segment of the MTMS, Majorr states a controversial topic that could be about life, relationships, children, marriage, sex, politics, etc. After giving his input on the topic, Majorr asks his listeners to call in and give their opinion regarding the topic. It's Men against Women in this game! For each listener that gives a logical and understandable response, their sex gets a point. Whoever has the most points by the end of the broadcast wins! The ultimate Battle of the Sexes is on!


Flashback Facts- This bit is nothing but numerous fun facts about music artists from previous generations of music.


Majorr's Horoscopes- In this bit, Majorr reads the each horoscope for that day which corresponds with that sign. The original horoscope is read by Majorr, following an elaborate breakdown of what the horoscope really means.


Majorr's Top Five- Crazy! Deranged! Down-right Insane! Wondering how to get your daughter to stop leaving makeup everywhere in the bathroom? Is the wife's nagging becoming a daily thing? Need a way to get your son off his game system long enough to get a good night rest? Majorr's got the top five solutions to your problems.


Church Announcements- This is the Fan Favorite Segment of the Majorr Tee Morning Show. The listeners are taken to the church entitled "Showtime in Jerusalem of the Trinity God, Jesus, and The Holy Ghost Missionary Baptist Church of God in Christ, In You, In Me, Cathedral and Tabernacle of the Lord". The Pastor on duty is none other than The illustrious Norman Lazarus Nickelheim III, with his second in command, Deacon Howard Anthony Penny. One of the main controversies about the STIJ Missionary Baptist is the Strip Club located under the third Baptismal Pool titled "The Nasty Kittie". Regiments of Gospel are also sung by the Change My Life Juvenile Delinquent Choir. Let Him Use You!


Majorr Music Artist of the Day- The Majorr Music Artist of the Day is a preselected artist of which Majorr will play a song by that artist. The listeners will be able to call in during the show and attempt to guess the name of the artist who sings or raps to said song. The songs can very from Gospel to Rap, Hip Hop to R&B, you just have to know your music!


Majorr Sports Update- In this segment, Majorr informs the world of everything going on in the universe of sports. Who's Injured? Who got drafted? Who scored the most touchdowns? Find out in this segment of the MTMS.


Majorr Entertainment News- In this bit, Majorr informs the world of what is transpiring in the world of music and entertainment. Find out what celebrity just had a baby! Find out who is having baby mama or daddy drama! New Music, Television, Politics, it's all Entertainment News.


Majorr Traffic and Weather Update- The Majorr Tee Morning Show broadcasts out of Atlanta, Georgia. In this segment, Majorr will provide Atlanta with a couple looks at the traffic and weather for that morning.


Majorr Movie and Video Game Update- This is the segment where Majorr talks about upcoming or newly released movies and video games. Want to know what's good in the Box Office or what you need to preorder from Gamestop? Find out in this segment of the MTMS.



Seasonal Segments


Civil Rights Spotlight- Everyone knows the month of February is Black History Month. During this segement, Majorr places the spotlight on one of the many people to pave the way for Black History, recognizing their achievements & acomplishments, as well as honoring their legacy.


Who You Love? Valentines Day Shoutouts- This Segment is Annual from Feburary 1st-14th, Majorr does the Who You Love? Valentines Day Shoutouts. Majorr gives the listeners a chance to call into the show and give shoutouts to their loved ones for Valentines Day.


Independence and Thanksgiving Day Throwback- These are shows with only music and minimum comedy that take place on the Fourth of July and Thanksgiving.


What Ya Thankful Fa- What are you Thankful For? Majorr Tee gives his listeners a chance to call in to the show and tell what they are thankful for from the 1st of November to Thanksgiving.


What's Your New New Resolu?- Do you have a New Year's Resoloution? Call in and tell Majorr Tee on New Years Eve.



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